Saturday, May 24, 2008

Systematic Oppression of the Baha'is of Iran (Episode-3)

Mullah Falsafi supervising workmen in the act of destroying the dome of the National Bahá’í Center in 1955, Tehran, Iran.

This is the third episode in the series "Systematic Oppression of the Baha'is of Iran". The first two episodes can be seen here and here.

These posts are published in order to expose the actions of the government of Iran in its efforts to systematically harass, monitor and oppress the Baha'i population of Iran. They clearly show the government's intentions and predetermined plan in its attempt to annihilate the Baha'i community of Iran. Baha'is of Iran, numbered over 300,000 individuals, represent the largest religious minority in that country.


• On 28 December 2007, officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards entered four Bahá’í homes in the same neighbourhood complex in Shiraz. They searched the homes and seized Bahá’í books and materials. Mrs. Mándáná Kamálí (Dáná) [Mandana Kamali (Dana)] (the secretary of the local group that coordinates the affairs of the Bahá’í community in Shiraz on an ad hoc basis) was arrested and taken into custody. The search warrant stated: “call upon all assemblies, gatherings, and homes of the Bahaist sect”.

Mrs. Kamálí was interrogated several times. The questions revolved around the administration of the Bahá’í community’s affairs and the Teachings of the Faith.

On at least three other occasions her interrogations began at night and continued until approximately 05:00. Throughout, a high intensity light was shone into her face. The interrogation was filmed, and an officer recorded it in writing. Demands were made that she provide detailed personal information regarding the Bahá’ís in Shiraz, including their financial backgrounds. She was also asked who taught children’s classes and was questioned about the institute process and about the teaching activities of the Bahá’ís.

At another session, the interrogators tried to draw a link between the Bahá’í Faith and Wahhabism (asserting that Great Britain created Wahhabism among the Sunni Muslims and the Bahá’í Faith among the Shiah Muslims with the intention of overthrowing the government of the countries concerned in each case). At one point Mrs. Kamálí was brought before the assistant prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court who stated at the conclusion of her interrogation, “It may be that the Wahhabis did take over the affairs of their government, but we would never give this opportunity to the Bahá’ís.” Mrs. Kamálí was released on 10 January 2008. Her bail was set at 10 million tumans (approximately US$11,000).

• On 1 January 2008, it was reported that Mrs. Símá Raḥmáníyán Laqá’í [Sima Rahmanian Laghaie] and Mrs. Míná Hamrán [Mina Hamran], who had been arrested on 14 September 2005 and released on bail on 2 October 2005, as well as Mrs. Símín Gurjí [Simin Gorji], who had been arrested on 3 August 2005 and released on bail on 17 September 2005, had been imprisoned in Ghaemshahr. On 8 May 2007, the provincial Appeal Court of Mazandaran rejected their appeals and found them guilty of “propagation on behalf of an organization which is anti-Islamic”; all three were sentenced to five months’ imprisonment (the precise date of their imprisonment is unknown).



  1. the ongoing saga of 'as the stomach turns'...this just another repeat of the episode of when Emperor Nero Blamed the Christians for the problems created by the egregious corruption of the Roman Government... Fast Foward 1900 years same theme different cast of characters Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus is replaced by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.... the Christians are replaced by the Bahais..... and the lions are replaced by the Iranian Military...


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