Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Egypt: Twins Case Postponed Again

Cairo's Court of Administrative Justice convened today to render a decision on the case of Emad and Nancy, the Egyptian Baha'i 14-year-old twins waiting for their Egyptian birth certificates. The courtroom was full of Egyptian activist youth from a variety of backgrounds who came to the Court to show their support for the twins. Interestingly, the few Baha'is attending today appear completely at ease in this court...after all they have been frequent guests of these chambers lately!

The court postponed its decision again for its upcoming session of 30 October 2007, which would be this court's fourth session regarding this case. Meanwhile the twins remain without Egyptian birth certificates.


  1. It would appear that the Egyptian government is hoping to wear down the Baha'is by dragging this case (and many others)indefinitely....but all it achieves is to garner more support for a just cause. Denying children their birth certificates is an indefendable miscarriage of justice and the public is in disbelief and shocked by the (non)action of the elected officials. It is nice to see so many people (especially the young)of different background reacting in support of the oppressed. It is a sign of courage, character, and nobility at its best, it promises great things for the future of Egypt. Let's hope that many more will join them in this peaceful protest.
    "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it"-Martin Luther King Jr.

  2. The number of young human rights activists was amazing. They occupied half of the court room. It seems like the more time passes with injustice, the more active supporters rally.

  3. Today (September 4) a quarter-page article appeared on this case in a high quality national newspaper in the Netherlands ("NRC Handelsblad"), entitled "For the Egyptian law we cannot even die". It contains a good explanation of the case and includes an interview with Raouf Hindi. It also highlights the grave problems of converts to Christianity.

    Warmest greetings from Amsterdam

  4. Martijn,
    Would you be able to translate and send me the article? Thank you for this information.

  5. Egyptian Baha'i,
    This confirms the "anonymous" comment above!


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