On Egyptian Baha'is: A Visit To An Egyptian Baha'i Family
BBCArabic.com الشرق الأوسط بهائيو مصر: زيارة الى أسرة مصرية بهائية
In response to popular demand, here is an article published on 16 June 2006 in Arabic on the BBC website. It is yet another human story about an Egyptian Baha'i family. An interview with Dr. Basma Mousa, who is a professor of surgery at Cairo University.It describes how this family has been surviving in Egypt. It explores some of the history of the Baha'i Faith in Egypt, as well as the current issues regarding ID cards and the recognition of Baha'is in Egypt. The interview was carried out while a television program regarding the Baha'is was in broadcast. The article shows a picture of the Shrine of the Bab and the gardens in Haifa. It also shows a picture of a portion of an old Egyptian birth certificate of one of their children with the parents' religion documented as "Baha'i."
The radio interview with this family was broadcast on BBC Radio three times, including an Arabic prayer that was chanted by Dr. Basma's mother. Then the prayer alone was broadcast on BBC twice afterwards.
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